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University of Missouri - Kansas City
Public school
Kansas City, MO
Job Score

University of Missouri - Kansas City: Salaries and Debt

When a row has no salary data, indicated by a "-" (hyphen), it either means that no graduates reported a salary for the category or that fewer than five graduates reported a salary for the category.

Full-time, long-term salaries
# in category # Salaries % of class 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile Mean
Law firm size 59 36 26.7% $55,000$65,000$90,500$75,792
Solo 2
2-10 attorneys 36 18 13.3% $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $56,583
11-25 attorneys 4 - 0%
26-50 attorneys 5 5 3.7% $65,000 $67,500 $68,000 $71,300
51-100 attorneys 3 - 0%
101-250 attorneys 2 - 0%
251-500 attorneys 2 - 0%
501+ attorneys 4 - 0%
Size unknown 1
Employed, non-law firm 63 40 29.6%
Non-employed 13
Total graduates 135
Full-time, long-term salaries
# in category # salaries % of class 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile Mean
Missouri - 54 40% $48,000 $54,000 $67,500 $63,466
Outside of Missouri
or unknown
- 22 16.3% $60,000 $65,000 $72,500 $69,838
Employed 1227656.3% $50,000$60,000$69,018$65,311
Non-employed 13
Total graduates 135